
Nutrition and Lifestyle audit


Gain clarity and direction​

1: Intensive

Time to step up and change your lifestyle and invest in your health. Fad diets don’t work long term, you will learn strategies to achieve your goals for life not just for 3 months whilst enjoying the foods you love.

My signature nutrition coaching program is designed for those who what make long term sustainable changes for weight loss or health improvements

  • Weekly 30-minute zoom/ facetime calls
  • Food diary analysis, recommendations, and guidance to help you achieve your goals
  • What’s app – stay connected, Ask questions Monday to Friday
  • Design a strategy that works for you and your goals
  • Learn how to manage your nutrition in social situation and how best to optimise your workouts through nutrition
  • Accountability and support
  • 3 month goal tracking
  • Learn how to structure your meals
  • Mindset and behavior change
  • Guidance on improving your diet with small tweaks
  • Fortnightly check in’s via phone


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