Client Testimonials
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You will see I do not post many ‘before and after’ transformations. In fact, I am not keen on them as weight loss is not the same as fat loss. The biggest transformation is in your mind, this cannot be shown in pictures. Changing your mindset, your behaviour and habits is what will keep the weight off long term.
Many clients will drop dress sizes but only lose a few kilos this is because they have built muscle whilst losing fat which changes their body shape, give you more definition (tone) and is healthier.
I understand you want to see the ‘end result’ and photos can be motivating. I hope you find these testimonials more inspiring and motivating
Click here to listen how a Type 2 Diabetic client lost fat and reduced her bloods whilst eating Indian food and take aways

Weight loss client, recovered Yo-yo dieter (1:1 for 3 months)
Weight Loss client -Type 1 diabetes, PCOS and hyperthyroidism (3-month client)
I’ve had Type 1 diabetes is this child, PCOS for the last ten years and hyperthyroidism in the last couple of years. I’m now 38 and through my 30s I’ve notice has been harder to lose weight, even though I thought I was eating a balanced diet and exercising.
After putting on 5kg in lockdown and the final 3kg from pregnancy that I couldn’t shift, I decided I needed to work with someone who knew what to do. With being a foodie and enjoying Indian food too, restrictive meal plans have never appealed to me as I knew I’d not be able to sustain a restrictive diet in the long term let alone on a three-to-six-month programme. I had been following Manisha for a while I thought she probably was the best bet if I wanted to lose weight, improve my overall health, and prevent further conditions linked to diabetes, while still being able to enjoy food!
I wish I’d found Manisha years ago as within the first few weeks on the programme on whilst eating out, weddings and socials, I could see the weight coming off, my body shape changing, my clothes getting looser and most importantly my blood sugar levels improving (I’ve had to reduce my diabetes medication) and I wasn’t feeling sluggish but I had felt like I had more energy comment which I will need as my 11 month old daughter grows. This has all been possible through the support, nutrition knowledge and advice Manisha shares comment adding in exercise I enjoy (no gym), as I’ve never been a fan] and without restricting any food groups
The best part of monoecious approach is that it fits into your lifestyle and you’re not going to do something for three months that will potentially leave you reverting to old habits- with consistency, it’s sustainable!
Weight Loss client- Type 2 diabetic, PCOS and hyperthyroid (3-month client)
Thank you for all your knowledge you have shared with me over the past three months Manisha. You have been so influential to my ‘weight loss’. I put weight loss in commas because I’ve only lost two kgs, but I have lost two dress sizes
I’ve had a week for work abroad, after two weeks abroad with my family all where I was not in control of my food. What you taught me helped me make better choices and still indulging pizza, pasta, chips comment drinks etc
Yes, I’ve had a PT alongside me during the last three months but the difference it’s made for you both to be part of my journey has given me the knowledge to go on
I’m excited to see what the future holds!
Improve health and weight loss -Crohn’s (6-week client followed by 1:1 for 3 months)
When you first asked me what I wanted to focus on, food or weight loss, I did think why I can’t do both. You are right to ask that question and I’m so thankful that you did and didn’t go straight into right you want to lose weight, here’s what we are going to do. You took time to teach me about food and were always so supportive if I wanted to change things. You always took the time to answer my question and our one-to-one progress sessions never felt rushed
At the start of the three-month programme I did think, have I done the right thing, what more can I learn, I’ve just done the six-week programme. I was so wrong, there was so much more to learn, and it was tailored to my diet comment lifestyle and what I wanted to achieve if something wasn’t going to work, we discussed it and changed it up

Improve health and weight loss (1:1 for 3 months)
6-week client
Firstly thank you creating this amazing 6 week challenge, working with you has really been an eye opener, and it has taught me so much, we are on week 5 and I have seen so many changes clothes are feeling loser, my eating habits have changed, and I never thought I’d be able to master using MyFitnessPal and actual love using it, and it’s also allowed me to get smarter on how to hit my daily targets set by you, and I am enjoying all my meals that I usually would by tweaking the way I cook it to make it healthier, and feel fuller for longer.
You have a way to explain things in a simply yet effective which makes it easy for everyone to understand. What I have loved most about this challenge you created a community within the group which allowed all of us share ideas, experiences, and encourage others on this challenge as well, being accountable. Your weekly LIVE sessions were very helpful and full of information, love your stories on IG, and you’re a funny human being, and I am glad I have crossed paths with you.
In making these small changes, I have lost 3kg, so being consistent is key, I plan to continue this journey for the long term, I can say I have taken a lot from this challenge, and it has been a game changer. So, on that note, thank you so much Manisha for all your help and knowledge and teaching me the basics.

I’m 25, 5ft 2 and I have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed a few years ago and ever since I’ve slowly let that become an excuse for my weight gain.
For a long time, I’ve had negative thoughts towards myself. I’ve been self-doubting and had low confidence in myself. I’m now 6 months into my journey and I can truly say that I am not the same person I was when I started. I’ve lost nearly 3 stones of weight and I’ve also dropped 1 and a half dress sizes. That alone is something I thought was impossible to achieve. By pushing myself and having the determination to prove my condition wrong, I’ve found a new love for myself, confidence and empowerment to go out into the world and achieve anything I set my mind to. This journey would not have been possible without the continued support and guidance I received from Manisha. She changed the idea of being on a diet into a truly enjoyable, educational experience whereby I now understand the food I’m putting into my body and how that affects my health. Even on days when I don’t feel like eating properly, she has worked around my plans and helped me adapt my food intake so that I can have fun and still be eating well.
I’m so glad I took the first step – I’ve never looked back!
Reshma - London
As soon as I came across Manisha, I realised I’m finally going to achieve my goal. She has been so helpful and thoroughly explains the whole process of losing weight the right way. She manages to find a way that suits your lifestyle. She works closely with you and gives/offers advice on the correct food choices to make. I’ve finally been able to see results in such a short time, without having to make any drastic changes, which has really helped. Manisha is always there for any questions you may have and her support is always at hand.
As a consequence of weight loss and my nutrition guidance, I went from being diabetic to pre-diabetic, which was the best news

June-Elizabeth Northampton
In the last four months I have come to appreciate the achievements I have made after being introduced to Manisha Morgan.
This nutritionist’s cool, calm, collective, knowledgeable approach gives me the confidence to strive towards my goal, to lose weight in order to address my concerning medical conditions – namely obesity, hypertension, joint pains, high cholesterol and diabetes.
In January 2020 following an earlier introductory consultation, I became a client of Manisha Morgan.
In April 2020, I was able to see a positive change in my appearance with the weight loss.
Results: I lost 5 kgs, dropped a dress size and my joint pains are less severe. I have been taken off one of my diabetic medications and I feel healthier.
I found I am able to be at ease with Manisha as this lady‘s excellent listening skills and her flexibility to revisit, reassess and fine tune my six months health plan, works well for me to support my progression. I am looking forward to this time next year…. this last bit needs a little more structure that by next year this time I will still be improving to achieve even more.
I am hoping to reflect favourably with an updated annual review to forward to Manisha.
I highly recommend this lady A Five Star Caring Nutritionist, Manisha Morgan.”
June-Elizabeth 20th April 2020.
I turned 40 in 2019 and wanted to make to changes to my lifestyle as I was unfit and unhealthy. Initially, I joined a boot camp but was ill-advised on my diet. I was recommended to speak to VFit nutrition for advice. Manisha was very thorough on calculating exactly what I needed to eat, worked out my calories, protein intake and fibre requirement and I was very impressed with her willingness to give further advice and always being available for any clarification. I lost 1 and a half stone in 6 months!
Jim – Northampton
I am 47 years old, 6ft 4 and 14 ½ stone male. If you looked at me, you would say I look very slim. I had noticed, however, that as I went into my 40’s I started to gain some weight around my middle and started to feel less energetic. I’m not a fan of going to the gym and will do anything to avoid exercise (using escalators and lifts instead of the stairs).
I have a private health screen every year and am in very good shape for my age but wanted to set myself the goal of keeping my weight down and staying as fit and healthy as possibly as I creep to my 50s and beyond.
2 years ago, I started to work with Manisha. I lost 5 kg steadily by reducing my portion sizes- and improving my dietary food balance. I eat fish at least 3 times per week now, vegetarian approx. 2 per week. I cut back on the amount of food I ate but don’t deny myself those naughty treats I crave. I have also severely reduced the amount of processed foods I used to eat. I understood that exercise is important so needed to find something to suit me.
Manisha and I tried several exercise routines – going to the gym, running, riding a bicycle, etc and I soon lost interest. Manisha worked with me and now I have realised the best fit for me is an exercise bike at home doing a HIIT programme 3 times per week and building other exercises into my working day. For example, when I commute into London I might get off the tube one stop earlier than needed and do a brisk walk, I always use the stairs now even if it’s ten flights. During a work teleconference, I will go for a walk during it instead of sitting at the desk.
I have to say that Manisha was a great source of knowledge and encouragement to help me understand that I can eat a healthy diet, exercise and feel good without it being a major change to my life. It’s just a matter of making a plan that works for you and sticking to it and making it ‘normal’. For the last two years I have felt fitter, happier and more energised in my late 40s than I did in my early 30s. This is, undoubtedly, is a result of I have no doubt is down to the changes I made with Manisha.
Morning, I wanted to thank you for the recommendation to take omega 3 capsules. We had a successful second round of IVF in January and we are now 15 weeks into the pregnancy. Thank you ever so much.